Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another page added

I have added a Story Summary page. It lists the highlights of the adventure to date with the turns listed for each element.

Is this the type of thing you were looking for? Feedback is appreciated.


  1. EPIC. Very nice. That makes it SO easy to catch up!

  2. WOW that's pretty cool. Isnt that a lot of work for you?

    Speaking of work... did you call in sick today or something?

  3. Very nice, now Falk can get with the program.

  4. Is Falk a codeword for "Brad/Kirlic? :)

    Up until now I've just been stabbing everything that doesn't have an account to post on this blog with. Leera got a pass cause she's on the character roster; but I've got my eye on her...

  5. No... just a slow day. It will be easier to maintain moving forward. I had to go back an look up details but I had an idea where to look. (I have a good memory and I have the maps numbered by turns.)

    Is that the level of detail you were thinking? It is very high level but if you want to check the specifics, you should be able to go back to the check the proper turn posts.

  6. I'd say that was nearly exactly what I hoped for. It's a great high level guide, and it has the turns listed. If I want an answer, I'm not thumbing through turn results wondering when combat is going to end. Thank you for your effort Keith!
