Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Sinister Spire - Turn Results 25

The party agreed to work for Es Sarch in exchange for more information. Before setting out on either of the tasks, they decided to go shopping at the Bazaar.

Along the way, Clint gathered some information regarding the island, the mushrooms and the disease that the mushrooms are supposed to treat.

• The fungus on the island give off digestive spores that eat the flesh of those who come in contact with them. This effect seems to be heightened in anyone that has spent any significant time in Pedestal.
• The concoction that Es Sarch was talking about is used to treat a disease called ash doom. With proper alchemical preparation, the mushrooms are made into a powder that provides immunity to ash doom for a week. If used by someone already inflicted, the powder grants +6 to Fort saves made to resist the disease. Each dose of powder sells for 100 GP in Pedestal.
• The terrible plague that laid Pedestal low originated on Noble’s Bluff, leaving a crater now called the Plagueburst. Average citizens avoid Nobel’s Bluff, because they fear a renewed outbreak of the disease.
• The Plagueburst is still infectious, and it taints those who approach too closely with the ash doom disease. A victim of the illness gradually disintegrates into luminescent green ash, becoming one of the plague lost. The plague lost are ghostly beings that hate the living and exist to spread the ash doom.
• The origin of the Plaguebusrt remains hotly debated. The top contenders among competing explanations are a brief manifestation of an awful god of pestilence, a mundane disease magnified by an alchemical accident, perhaps within the Necromancer’s Spike, or a magical attack on the city by illithids or another enemy.

The Plagueburst is area P7 on the Pedestal map. The Necromancer’s Spike is identified by name on Pedestal map.

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