Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Sinister Spire – Turn Results 21

After collecting and identifying the loot and examining the lay of the city, the party headed into Pedestal in search of the Dripstone Inn.

The quest was a short one. The Street of the Five Hanged was located 3 blocks from the South Gate where the group entered the city. The inn was just to the right.

Lights of every hue stream from the windows of this sprawling three-story building. Conversing voices, snippets of song, and the clatter of crockery spill into the street. Odors of exotic tobaccos, yeasty drink, and barbecued meat suffuse the air. The wall facing the street is a sculpted formation of flowstone, like dozens of drooping hands, apparently built up from water falling from somewhere high above. Here and there, stone faces leer out from the deposits.

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