Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Sinister Spire - Turn Results 24

After the party agreed to his terms, ES Sarch laid out what he had in mind.

"An immense island of fungus glimmers atop the Sullen Sea west of Pedestal, and I have been told that it releases dangerous digestive and luminescent spores into the air around it. These spores create a dim blue light, which you must have seen as you came to Pedestal, but they also slowly destroy fleshy creatures, including my undead agents. Those who live in this so-called Great Grotto are more susceptible to these spores. Sending anyone from Pedestal to the isle to collect what I seek would mean the creature's death. But for you surfacers, the threat should be minimal."

"Growing upon Rikaryon's Isle, as it is called, is a mushroom for which those here in Pedestal pay dearly. Its cap is a sovereign remedy against the plague that tumbled the ruling drow from their alters and thrones. Journey down to the dock west of here on the Sullen Sea, find a seaworthy craft - a few are left -and head out to the isle. The mushrooms I seek are obvious, black with red spots in the shape of tiny hands. You can't miss them, though you might have to venture to the isle's center to find them. Bring me at least ten."

"The disruption following Pedestal's fall lasts even unto this hour, though I must admit the vacuum provided by fleeing drow has been to my advantage. Consider, though, that the reason this city did and does not completely collapse into chaos is due to my efforts. Nearly everyone here appreciates my influence. But gratitude doesn't last, and others seek to displace me."

Es Sarch's voice falls to a whisper. "The Assassins' Guild has decided to seek an alliance with House Dusklorn. If my agents were to disrupt this burgeoning accord, I fear I'd do more to cement the relationship than diffuse it. I ask you to eliminate or drive off Elessarwa Nledoor, matron of the house and psychotic to boot. I have knowledge of a hidden route to her secret torture chamber, where she slinks away from her duties to the Dusklorn to apply her savage arts to hapless victims she takes from Pedestal's alleys. I have arranged matters so Dusklorn will believe her death to be the duplicitous Assassins' Guild. That will be the end of that."

At the end of his speech, Es Sarch produced a piece of folded parchment from his sleeve and handed it to the nearest character. The note reads:

Find the old tannery on Matron Road near the wall that encircles Noble's Bluff. The skin shop's ghastly smell yet lingers in the area. Inside, on the southern wall, find a green stain in the shape of a three-fingered hand. That stain marks the location of a hidden trap door that opens to a passage under the building. Follow the tunnel to its highest point. You'll come to the doorway of the chamber used by Elessarwa for her arts.

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