Friday, March 27, 2009

Need a standard marching order on record for the party

I need to have a standing marching order on record for normal combat situations.

Please provide a list for outdoor - singlefile, outdoor - doublefile, indoor - singlefile and indoor doublefile. If there are more situation than that that you would like to have a pre-defined marching order, please provide.

I need to have something by tonight as it will be required for Turn 2.


  1. is it just the 4 of us? paladin, cleric, Mage, rogue. we'll switch it up for door checking.

  2. No there are six of you. Paladin, cleric, sorcerer, rogue, barbarian and two-fisted fighting ranger.

    I am still waiting for Corey and Paul to post their turns. I will post Turn 2 without them if necessary. I have the Turn 1 Results and Turn 2 Post drafted. I need to populate a combat map for Turn 2 and for that I need a marching order.

    The Results and Turn 2 will be published later tonight.

  3. Please also include your animal pal in the marching order. When posting turns, create a seperate template for the pal.

    Will wolf be your SOP? Just asking because I will need an avatar for it.

  4. 1st..(1st duel)..paladin
    2nd..(1st duel).....ranger
    3rd..(2nd duel)..barbarian
    4th..(2nd duel).....sorcerer
    5th..(3rd duel)..rogue
    6th..(3rd duel).....cleric
    7th..(4th duel)...wolf

    is this order ok? (say nothing if you agree)

    [wolf will be sop, you can use any animal avatar]

  5. p.s. outdoors we will switch paladin and barbarian around in order.
