Friday, March 27, 2009

Barrow of the Forgotten King – Turn Results 1

Ian Turbrand turns to Torvald. "No, the Yurlings are not dwarves, they are human. Desiree, Morgan and Tyra went to prepare Gunar, Morgan's father," explains the innkeeper. "The Yurlings own a large farm on the prairie south of town. They are well liked by everyone. Ask anyone and they will tell you. Bandits or grave robbers! Spirits project us! I do not imagine that they would have brought anything that would merit that sort of foul attention. I would not say that the family was particularly wealthy, but being prominent citizens, they have the right to be interred in the mausoleum."

Ian continues, "Almost all of my ancestors have been laid to rest in the mausoleum ..."

While the innkeeper waxes on, Clint starts to work the common room looking for additional information. The elf slides up to a bookish half-elf eating her lunch at the bar. He smoothly engages her in conversation. Her name is Kethra Tims and she is a scholar. She came to Kingsholm to study the interesting statue to the north of town. The giant statue is in the image of an unnamed, great king. No one seems to know who the king is or why there is a statue of him in these hills. She believes the statue to be older than the graveyard and both clearly predate the founding of Kingsholm by many years.

"If you are anxious to head out, the graveyard in just a ways north of town," begins Mia as she addresses Thurstan and Banjo. "I am worried for Dornal and Zeera. They are capable but I fear not as seasoned as the lot of you. May the protective spirits watch over them. With those two missing, we are a bit short-handed. Besides myself and those two, there are only six others to keep the peace."

"I will accompany you and show you the way. The mausoleum is kept locked but I have a key as do all the sentinels and many prominent citizens such as Ian and the Yurlings." With these words, Mia starts toward the door motioning the group to follow.

Torvald, Thurstan and Banjo follow the captain immediately. Clint slips out of the inn, quietly behind the others. Jean and Blunderbuss shrug, finish their ale and then follow the others.

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