Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Sinister Spire - Turn Results 96

The secret door opened into a short corridor heading north to a longer passage heading east. As the passage continued eastward it passed two additional short corridors which ended in secret doors. After the second short passage, the corridor gained an upward slope. At the end of the corridor, a set of steep stairs lead downward. The stairs lead to another short passage which ended in yet another secret door.

Clint examined the door and found no traps and it was not locked. On the other side of the door the rogue discovered a large square room.

This cool and humid room is nothing more than a narrow ledge running around a 20-foot-wide pit that drops into the darkness. Whiffs of salty water waft from below. A door is set into the southern wall of the ledge around the top of the pit.

The party has entered at the bottom of the pit. The floor is comprised of an iron grate. Below the grate only darkness can be seen. The walls of the pit look to scalable but are covered with all manner of questionable material. The lip of the ledge is 20 feet above the floor of the pit.

Check out the Map Explored to Date (http://sites.google.com/site/zombiehomepage/Home/zombie-s-d-d-pathfinder-page/pathfinder-play-by-blog/PBB_Map_Explored_To_Date.xlsx?attredirects=0&d=1) for additional detail.

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