Thursday, June 3, 2010

Still looking for a post from Clint

I am still looking for a player post from Matt H for Clint.

Please validate that I have the rest of the actions correct. Banjo will cast Detect Magic and move to the edge of the pit. Dargoth will move to the pit and lower a rope. Thurstan will climb down and heal the half elf. I need to know if he is using a spell, channel or some other means.

I will post when I hear from Matt.

The next turn is likely to be more role playing and information exchange. I will do my best to answer your questions. Please check back to the turn thread at least once a day. The turn may run for several days depending on your input.


  1. since no one else is wounded i cast CLW for [5]+4=9.

  2. Clint is going to begin carefully checking the Hobgoblin body, and the human body for clues... check to make sure they're not trapped/feigning death/infected with something that wants to leap out and eat my face. Special care will be taken to keep one eye on the shattered door frame leading to stairs.... and taking care to be quiet and listen in case something begins to approach. After bodies I will examine each statue, starting with the southern one, then to the northern one.

    Actions: Search and explore... Move to I13 -> N11 -> P13 -> K10 -> L7 if nothing interrupts/surprises/eats me.

    Skill check rolls:
    [19] [18] [13] [1] [17] [14] [19] [3] [17] [16]
