Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Barrow of the Forgotten King - Turn Results 49

Blunderbuss bashes at the door trying to break it loose. The barbarian is unsuccessful and the door remains closed. Clint decides to go around to the other side to see if he can loosen it from inside the room.

Thurstan, Jean, Banjo and Torvald decend the ladder to examine the bodies and the canal. Thurstan's wolf leaps from the landing to the floor below.

Thurstan examines the first varag body. The monter appears to have died from exposure and hypothermia. It is wearing masterwork studded leather armor and is equipped with a masterwork scimitar, a shortbow, 6 arrows, a satchel of undercooked meat, a potion, and assorted jewelry worth 200 GP.

Clint starts to cross the bridge over the canal. Before the rogue can move more than a few steps there is a disturbance in the water.

A graceful serpent of clear water rises from the canal, making a sound that resembles bubbling speach. It seems to say, "More intruders. Leave this place the way you came, or face the price of your folly, as have those before you."

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