Monday, October 17, 2011

The Sinister Spire - Turn Results 45

Kirlic attacked Muvaysil with his longbow. The shot proved too difficult with all of his friends in the way and the arrow missed wide. Dargoth Power Attacked Muvaysil with his bastard sword. The blow landed dealing 13 damage despite the fighter’s weakened state. N’Kima lashed out at the spider in front of him hitting with both fists and his bite. The attack sequence dealt 33 damage and killed the summoned spider.

Muvaysil used a wand to Magic Missiles to deal 7 damage to Dargoth while the spider behind him missed the fighter with its bite. Elessarwa Channeled Negative Energy. The whole party was affected. Thurstan, Banjo, Clint, Dargoth, Turok and N’Kima were able to partially resist the effect and only suffered 5 damage. Mr. Wolfe and Kirlic each suffered 10 damage.

Turok stepped into the space formerly occupied by the spider and attacked Elessarwa with his bite and claws. The bite and a claw hit the drow cleric dealing a total of 26 damage. Mr. Wolfe bit at Muvaysil. The attack hit dealing 5 damage and knocked the wizard prone. Thurstan attempted to target Elessarwa with a Lightning Arc but the attacked missed through the congestion of combat in front of him.

Clint maneuvered through his friends and acrobatically jumped and rolled across the altar to gain a flanking position on the drow cleric. Banjo held back awaiting an opportunity to try to disrupt the next spell cast by the drow cleric.

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