Monday, September 20, 2010

Barrow of the Forgotten King - GM Turn Post 102

“So many visitors this day,” cries the waterfall in a gravelly baritone. But no, the voice belongs to a ruggedly handsome man who steps from the falls clad in a shirt of shimmering mail. His silvery hair is not wet, but it cascades over his shoulders in ringlets. A trim beard rounds out his face, accented by a silver chain around his neck from which hangs a pendant shaped like an acorn. Silvery bladed axes hang from a shining belt. His intense eyes are placid pools of blue and white, and he fixes a grim gaze on you, his jaw set. “Tell me, why came you here?”

What do you do?

Starting positions for Turn 102 are displayed on the Combat Map.

Please submit your turn instructions using the Player Action Response - Turn Post Template


Map Key:

Dark Gray is the floor.
Line filled squares are stairs going down. (The stairs are slick and costs 4 squares of movement to navigate. An Acrobatics check is also required.)
Light Blue with diagonal lines is a natural ledge. (The ledge is slick and costs 2 squares of movement to navigate without an Acrobatics check.)
Black is a 50 foot deep pit.
Blue is a waterfall descending 100 feet.
White rectangle is a door.
Female half elf image is Leera.


  1. Clint straightens, and as gracefully as he can, executes a low, respectful bow towards the mysterious figure. "Greetings, your majesty... forgive our intrusion but we were in pursuit of a band of ruthless villains who have disturbed the peace of your realm here. Have you perhaps seen them? A vile creature and several henchmen are still at large, and we believe headed this way..."

    Clint tries to also discretely use the bow to allow for a 5ft step back away from the

    [20] [16] [2] [4] [20]

  2. Reply to turn 102

    Honestly I have no idea why are in here. That was long before I joined.

    But I am more than happy to go with what Clint said.

    [18] [17] [12] [20] [16] [13] [18] [2]

  3. "tomb-robbers and miscreants, sir, and causin' all sorts of trouble. we were sent here by the townfolk to investigate. we'd 'preciate any help you might offer."

  4. ... and Matt's 'just happy t' be here...'

  5. *in elvish, with a slight bow*
    "Pleased to meet you, I am Kirlic."
    I use elvish in an attempt to ascertain if he knows the language.

    Kirlic attempts to examine the person's manner of dress and speech in an attempt to determine his/her loyalties and race.

    D20 rolls:

  6. Does he ping the Detect Magic?

    Also, i dont really remember why we're here either. I have some vague memories of rescuing stranded townsfolk but nothing concrete.

  7. well it was years ago since we took this job (and since we slept in a bed, in a town, in civilization).

    i think the town had lost touch with a couple people that lived or worked near the graveyard, and asked us to look into it.

    ...and encounter led to encounter, and now it's six years later, and no end in sight...

  8. I read the first few posts. Reference material at our fingertips, whoda thunkit?

    Banjo says:

    "O great spirit, we came here through the graveyard at the behest of humble townsfolk. We have discovered necromancy and graverobbery afoot, and seek to destroy the source of such."

  9. All I ment was I joined late. If I was a paladin I would be here to smite evil. Since I am a Warrior I just want to crack skulls. Granted this guy looks nice. So we will talk first and fight later if necessary.

  10. ...if he doesn't speak for another week, i poke him with a stick...
