Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Barrow of the Forgotten King - Turn Results 82

Clint threw a rope to Thurstan and hauled the cleric out of the water and the hungry swarm.

The leech swarm moved to engulf Thurstan’s Wolf and Dargoth. Both suffered 1 CON damage. The Wolf made both fortitude saves and was fine. The fighter failed both and he became nauseated.

Banjo swam away from the swarms and toward the original opening the party discovered to this room. The sorcerer tried to climb up the twenty feet of slippery wall but it proved to be too difficult for his skill.

Thurstan threw a rope to Dargoth and pulled the fighter out of the water and the swarm. Thurstan’s wolf swam after Banjo but was also unable to climb out. Dargoth rolled and retched upon the ground which was enough to kill the remaining giant leech suckling upon his flesh.

The remaining Leech Swarm moved to the south and east and started to round the spire toward the remaining heroes in the water.

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