Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Barrow of the Forgotten King - Turn Results 30

Torvald and Blunderbuss receive healing from Hergon. The night passes uneventfully at the Coronet and Cabbage and the party heads out at first light. Blunderbuss heals 1 point of Dex. Banjo casts Mage Armor on himself.

Returning to the Mausoleum, they find that the secret door in the beholder room is restored and closed once more. Moving and replacing the tiles again causes the beam to shoot from the ceiling to make the door disappear.

Navigating the staircase returns the group to the last room explored. Clint checks the room and door once more to be sure that there are no dangers or hidden things. Finding none, the rogue removes the spike from the exiting door and steps aside allowing Torvald to open it.

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