Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Sinister Spire - Turn Results 40

As Numa, the prophet, walked away the party heard more of his raving.

“It is the city that heralds the end! A city primeval regurgitated by the earth! Vast creatures of the deeps wing ‘bout it, and tentacles slither within.”

“Who lives in the city? Sinful, soft carapaces surround minds that churn with philosophies hostile to all other creatures. Roused from the drowned depths, the fabled city is fable no more!”

“I wish the bugs in my hair would comb it!”

Clint’s search revealed a secret trap door. It was not trapped or locked. Once opened, it revealed a 5-foot diameter shaft descending to a sloped wet passage 30 feet below.

A welcome relief from the odor of the tannery above, this place smells of damp earth and stone. It is a passage that slopes slightly upward to the north and downward to the south.Ages of dripping water have birthed stalagmites and stalactites that line the tunnel like teeth, and tiny rivulets of water burble down the passage, off into the darkness.

The passage is 10 feet wide. Following the rising passage, per the instructions provided by Es Sarch, eventually lead to a door in the wall before the passage began to slope downward again.

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