Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Barrow of the Forgotten King - Turn Results 67

Render remained helpless on the floor. Clint shouldered his bow and drew his longsword. The elf advanced to engage the hobgoblin but missed by a mile. Henpeck moved forward to engage the evil cleric but he too missed his mark. Thurstan’s wolf maneuvered to attack the remaining skeleton. The wolf’s bite was strong dealing 6 damage.

Thurstan Channeled Positive Energy and provided the party with 10 points of healing. Simone attacked the skeleton with her bite. The critical bite dealt 6 damage and dispatched the monster.

Once again the hobgoblin Channeled Negative Energy. The attack dealt 16 damage to everyone in sight. Clint made his save and only took half. The wave did not affect Banjo. He also directed the Spiritual Weapon to fight Torvald. The magic weapon missed the paladin.

Banjo moved into sight and cast a Magic Missile at the hobgoblin dealing 9 damage. Torvald powered a Smite Evil and Power Attacked the hobgoblin with his longsword. The blow landed for 13 damage.

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