Friday, May 13, 2011

The Sinister Spire - Turn Results 28 (Repost)

After some conversation and negotiation, Banjo and the duergar agree to a price of 25 GP for the use of a boat. Banjo stepped forward, gold in hand, “25 gold it is... “harbor master." Pray tell, how did you come to own such a fine craft?”

The dwarf took the gold and pocketed it with a quick smile. “It os but one of many assets of the Guild.”

While the transaction for the boat was taking place, Clint examined one of the secret doors on the shack and found it to be unlocked and no trapped. The curious rogue opened the door to look inside.

The interior of the shack was about what was expected based upon the appearance of the exterior. It looked to provide serviceable but not comfortable shelter. Clint spied three more duergar. One was positioned at the obvious door , one hand on his short sword and the other on the handle. Two more had taken position at the rear secret door. Both had weapons drawn and looked about ready to exit.
All three looked at Clint with surprise and malice in their eyes …

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