Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Sinister Spire - Turn Results 27

The party rested the “night” at the Dripstone Inn without incident. After breakfast the next “morning” they headed over to the dock to find a boat.

Spells and abilities have reset. Please post any spells or abilities that will be used at the start of the day in this thread. i.e. Mage Armor for Banjo, Wild Shape for Turok, node attunement for Thurstan, etc.

I have also updated the character summary document with the purchases and have removed the items sold and the money divided. Items held but not picked are only reflected on the treasure tab.

1 comment:

  1. Banjo will Mage Armor right before we leave

    Turok will wild shape into a bear, swapping out a Greater Magic Fang for a Dispel Magic.
