Friday, February 18, 2011

Looking for Posts

I am still waiting on a post from Keith.


  1. Shall we move on w/o him?

    If you think your roll was good, call it a hit. When you've hit enough to satisfy your desire to roll dice, declare the monster dead. It's gonna be great! ;)

  2. Sweet!
    You find a box labeled INSERT SWORD FOR 1000 XP

    Also, Banjo spontaneously gains 6 levels. And a harem of halfling and gnome women.
    (I like em small.)

  3. sweet, Thurstan made his spot hidden roll, and found an untrapped chest of epic loot. he'll of course share with his monkee friend(s).

  4. You are all suffering from the effects of N'Kima meets berries. The mind-warping effects have no bounds.

    I am super swamped at work this week. I will see what I can do about posting later today or over the weekend. It takes some time and effort to be a VSM (Virtual Screen Monkey).

  5. NP Keith, I don't doubt the effort it takes.

    What I DO doubt is my ability to resist piling on when given the opportunity. I'm a follower! =D

    I insert my sword in Banjo's box. However, I don't gain 1000xp, I just feel very, very confused now.

  6. try insert, remove, insert, remove, repeat for two minutes.

  7. Now the box is all sticky. This is the worst loot ever.

  8. two different boxes, one oozes, one clinks.

  9. Hey I think I found Hans....


  10. Sounds like that which he was referring. Sounds like it could get ugly.

  11. at least it's not old school.
    bats, chains, and guns.
    look up the history of Ford Dearborn.
