Monday, May 14, 2012

The Sinister Spire - GM Turn Post 87

What do you do next?

Starting positions for Turn 87 are displayed on the Combat Map.

Please submit your turn instructions using the Player Action Response - Turn Post Template.



Banjo – Ash Doom Antidote (1 week)
Banjo – Antitoxin - +5 Fort save vs. poison (1 hour)
Dargoth – Resist Energy: Fire (28 minutes)
Kirlic - Ash Doom Antidote (1 week)
Kirlic – Resist Energy: Acid (23 minutes)
Mr. Wolfe - Ash Doom Antidote (1 week)
Thurstan - Ash Doom Antidote (1 week)


Party Health:

Thurstan 72/72, Mr. Wolfe 43/43, Banjo 60/60, Clint 66/66, Dargoth 84/84,
Kirlic 65/81


Map Key:

Gray is the room floor.
Dark gray is the raised dais.
White rectangles are doors. (Doors in C6 and C7 are open.)
Dark grey rectangles are pews.
Black rectangle is the table with shackles.
Black square is stone lectern.
Blue squares are stone chairs.
Blue rectangles are stone desks.
Dark gray pie shapes are spiral stairs.
Column K represents the vertical ascent of the spiral stairs.


  1. Thurstan will follow Clint on the steps with detect magic still going and help explore the room.

    16 3 12 1

  2. Follow meatshields and maintain detect. Mutter under my breath that something better show up soon to introduce to Raymond.

    5, 3, 7, 12, 14

  3. Looking for posts from Matt H, Matt F and Brad.

  4. Maintain position, following group. Keep perceiving things.


  5. Be the meat shield. Move up if I need to? Or if you want I can slide to J15 to keep a 2 pronged attack if we want to let whatever slide after clint opens door.

  6. Sorry....

    Clint will motion to the party to remain at the top of the stairs for a moment; he then stealthily moves into the chamber, as follows:
    On the lookout for any traps, or lurking dangers... will remain silent if nothing reveals itself, reports back to team and invites them up to search the chamber more thoroughly - he will then search as well, starting with the doors - check all of them for traps and locks.

    Rolling Like a Boss:

  7. Thanks all. I got what I need to post the next turn but the files I need are on my home machine. I will post the new turn tomorrow.
